Little’s Gets a Grant!

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For many years, photography has been a useful medium for documenting the stories of Cabbagetown. Capturing priceless moments, photos conjure up graphic images of the neighborhood’s past.

The Patch Works is working hard to add more pictures to our historic photo collections (there are many!). Check back regularly for updates. At this time please enjoy a selection from Georgia Tech’s Digital Archives. (Check out their website, which also contains many documents pertaining to historic, Cabbagetown events.)

Our Collection from GA Tech’s Archives

Permission of the Georgia Institute of Technology Library and Information Center, Archives and Records Management Department.

Museum Hours

The Patch Works is actively searching for a new location in Cabbagetown. We will provide updates as the search progresses! In the meantime, please enjoy the content on this website, look out for upcoming community events, and ask us about our walking tours. Thanks, y’all!

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