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  • Pecha Kucha ATL Presentation

    On December 9, Pecha Kucha Atlanta held a really cool event called “Atlanta: Past, Present and Future.” Along with several other presenters, The Patch Works was selected to give one…

  • The Patch Works Humanities Lecture Series: Lessons of Cabbagetown, Past and Present

    On Sunday, November 18th, join us as Rebecca Page, Ashley Cheyemi McNeil, and Brennan Collins from GSU’s Student Innovation Fellowship program speak about their mapping collaboration with The Patch Works on…

  • Georgia Humanities Lecture Series

    We just had our second lecture sponsored by Georgia Humanities. Dr. Erich Nunn (Auburn University) and Dr. Regina Bradley (Kennesaw State University) spoke about how Cabbagetown’s musical roots relate to the…

  • Georgia Humanities Lecture Series

    We just had our first of three lectures sponsored by Georgia Humanities. Common Good Atlanta hostees, Bill Taft and Dr. Sarah Higinbotham, accompanied by program alumni Tariq Baiyina and Robert…

Museum Hours

The Patch Works is actively searching for a new location in Cabbagetown. We will provide updates as the search progresses! In the meantime, please enjoy the content on this website, look out for upcoming community events, and ask us about our walking tours. Thanks, y’all!

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