Little’s Gets a Grant!

2025 Community Survey

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Thank You!

The Patch Works greatly appreciates your generosity and support!

Dear Supporter,

As Co-Founder and CEO of The Patch Works Art & History Center, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. In 2012, shocked by the economic and demographic changes that had occurred in this historic mill town, I decided to create a Cabbagetown art and history center. For the past nine years — assisted by my wife Nina, Co-Founder and Curator of the museum — I’ve worked hard to bring this idea to fruition.

Of course, none of our accomplishments would be possible without the generosity of people like you. YOU have made The Patch Works successful — your support will go towards ensuring that the center remains a leader in community-based nonprofit organizations.

Yours truly,

Jacob Elsas

CEO, The Patch Works Art & History Center

Museum Hours

The Patch Works is actively searching for a new location in Cabbagetown. We will provide updates as the search progresses! In the meantime, please enjoy the content on this website, look out for upcoming community events, and ask us about our walking tours. Thanks, y’all!

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