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Multimedia Galleries

Since its inception, The Patch Works has been steadily compiling a variety of audio-visual media in an effort to help visitors better understand the history of Cabbagetown. This section of our website will never be fully completed, since we discover or generate new multimedia items almost every day that shed light on this neighborhood’s unique past. Some of the content in this section has been around for generations (e.g.: historic photos); some is original content that has been captured by The Patch Works (e.g.: video interviews).

As opposed to the digital images of three-dimensional objects — such as artifacts, artwork, and documents — everything in this section replicates its original form (N.B.: photographs are the result of copying an original image; we consider an unaltered scan of a photo a sufficient representation of the original form).

We have organized our multimedia galleries into the following three categories:

For audio-visual media showing contemporary activities in Cabbagetown, please visit our Community section.

Museum Hours

The Patch Works is actively searching for a new location in Cabbagetown. We will provide updates as the search progresses! In the meantime, please enjoy the content on this website, look out for upcoming community events, and ask us about our walking tours. Thanks, y’all!

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