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Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills GA Historical Marker Dedication Ceremony

Saturday, May 6th, 2023

10:30am to 1:00pm

Carroll Street, Cabbagetown, Atlanta


On Saturday, May 6th, The Patch Works invites all y’all to join us on Carroll Street, right outside the back gate of The Stacks, for the “ribbon cutting” of The Mill’s very own Georgia Historical State Marker! The Georgia Historical Society has honored us with one of their spiffy markers, which acknowledges Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills’ lasting impact on Georgia and the United States.

The event is “rain or shine,” so please check the weather forecast and prepare accordingly. The schedule is as follows:

  • 10:30am – Venue Opens
  • 10:45am – Live music
  • 11:30am – Guest Speakers
  • 12:30pm – Ceremony Ends
  • 1:00pm – Venue Closes

Although the ceremony itself begins at 11:30am, y’all can start showing up at 10:30am to hobnob in the street. (In addition, the Stacks Squares Mural Project will be happening simultaneously, so y’all should check out the talented artists at work.) Around 10:45am, some of our local musicians will break out their instruments and regale y’all with their sweet tunes. And while y’all wait for the ceremony to begin, feel free to head down to Milltown Tavern and JenChan’s and pick up something to eat and drink.

At 11:30am, Guest Speakers will approach the podium and talk about Jacob Elsas and Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills, historic preservation, Georgia history, Atlanta history, and our beloved community. Guest Speakers are:

  • David Mitchell, Executive Director of the Atlanta Preservation Center;
  • Atlanta City Councilmember Liliana Bakhtiari;
  • Elyse Butler from the Georgia Historical Society;
  • Sanna Root from The Mill community;
  • Alan Elsas, who spearheaded the effort to obtain the marker;
  • Hugh Asher, who will represent his father, the late Thomas Asher, who provided essential research for the marker application but sadly passed away at the end of December 2022.

The ceremony will take about an hour, after which y’all should definitely check out the muralists. And celebrate further at one of our local, fine-dining establishments!

PLEASE NOTE: Carroll Street and Tennelle Street will be closed to traffic from Shelton Street to Powell Street, so please consider taking an alternative mode of transportation to the event. If driving, you may park in Agave Restaurant’s parking lot (off of Boulevard) until 3:30pm. Please park to the right side of the lot and away from the restaurant itself, so as not to obstruct delivery vehicles. The address is 242 Boulevard SE Atlanta, Georgia 30312.

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The Patch Works is actively searching for a new location in Cabbagetown. We will provide updates as the search progresses! In the meantime, please enjoy the content on this website, look out for upcoming community events, and ask us about our walking tours. Thanks, y’all!

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