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Adam’s Edge: Episode 2 – Steve and Katie TEASER

Airing April 16th, 2021

We are very excited about our next episode of “Adam’s Edge: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow in Historic Cabbagetown ATL.”

In Episode 2, The Patch Works will be chatting with long-time Cabbagetown residents and musicians, Steve Seachrist and Katie Butler. Steve and Katie epitomize the crop of musicians and artists who descended on Cabbagetown after The Mill closed. Upon arriving, both of them immediately became active in the community (for a few years, Katie was the president of the neighborhood’s CNIA, and Steve continues to participate in organizing the annual Cabbagetown Concert Series), while also writing and performing their own original music. We’ll learn about their personal stories, as well as getting to hear some of their amazing music, which they’ll be playing live… Listen in on Friday April 16th, when The Patch Works will be airing “Adam’s Edge: Episode 2 – Steve and Katie.”

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The Patch Works is actively searching for a new location in Cabbagetown. We will provide updates as the search progresses! In the meantime, please enjoy the content on this website, look out for upcoming community events, and ask us about our walking tours. Thanks, y’all!

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