April 1st, 2021
Our new website has just been released!
We’ve been adding brand new stuff, such as:
- A podcast called “Adam’s Edge” (which just aired for the first time today, April 1st, and features a guest-appearance from B.T. Harman, creator of the Catlick podcast)
- Video Interviews
- Audio Interviews
- Informative documents that address Cabbagetown’s historical relevance (such as the Nomination Application for the National Register of Historic Places)
To be sure, the website is most definitely a “Work-In-Progress.” In just a few short years, The Patch Works has managed to gather a tremendous amount of content; it’ll take a while to digitize and organize all of it for online delivery. Plus, we’re STILL creating original content (such as the Ivan Sellers interview, which we just shot last month). Nonetheless, we felt it was important to go ahead and get the site out there… even if it’s still in a larval stage. We’ll just keep plugging away…
Stuff we’ll be adding:
- MORE videos (we have a lot)
- MORE audio (we have a lot of that too)
- MORE documents (see above)
- Digital photos of our: artwork, artifacts, & historic buildings, houses, and other large objects around Cabbagetown (in 3D!)
- Self-guided, virtual walking tours (one is almost ready to upload)
- Learning materials for students
- An interactive Historic Timeline (the timeline’s already up, but without the interactive links)
- Plus, “live” online events: guest lectures, workshops, & musical performances
- And rotating exhibits
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